Space and comfort with the ability to call your house a true home is not an amenity of this emerging community but the standard. Made of 155 residential lots for new homeowners, all lots allow each family to own a home with a minimum heating space of 1600 sq ft and approximately 2400 square ft. total. The 43 lots now available in phase one allows for a spacious, yet intimate setting of one-third to one-half acre. Retirees, as well as large and small families, will find these lots a suitable choice for building their dream home.



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Enjoying and owning not only a home, but a lifestyle that increase your family’s quality of life is of utmost importance. Cline Properties offers the space, comfort and ability to do just that, while you in turn leave a home and legacy your family can enjoy for generations.

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Multiple lots have been sold. Contact us to view available lots.
